Stay home? Stay educated!
In dealing with COVID-19, we as a university also had to face a few challenges. However, we all got used to the “new normal” quite quickly, as we had years of experience in online teaching even before the pandemic. No faculty taking the first half of the lesson to get to grips with online tools, no technical difficulties, no delays… only benefits.

Community is everything
The health of all students and people involved at IU is always our first priority. Despite your online studies and home office, you don't have to worry about connecting with your fellow students. Within the IU community, we stay connected.
You can exchange information with your fellow students and lecturers at any time through our large community, social networks and online tools. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have live in our online consultation hours. And maybe you'll find a learn buddy within your degree programme who will not only help you get through your studies more easily, but will also make learning twice as much fun.
Study anywhere
100% online

Tackling challenges together
Our everyday lives have shifted, and so have our realities. Everything is just a little bit different, but it's also a little bit more challenging for all of us. Your goals, dreams and wishes are still important. You don't have to lose sight of them, because we’ll support you in facing the crisis.
For example, if you are on short-time work, you can postpone your instalment payment with us for up to two months.
That's what our students say
The IU is responding to the Corona crisis with virtual live events - that works really well. We can ask our lecturers questions at any time and the online exams also work very well. My personal advantage: I don't have to travel to campus every day, which saves me time.

Lauritz Bärenfänger
Student Digital Business & Manager Sourcing

10 golden rules for successful learning at home
Working and learning from home is an essential measure for slowing down the spread of the pandemic and protecting risk groups in times of the coronavirus. But how can you work and study from home without compromising your productivity and efficiency?
Here, we will give you 10 tips on how to structure your day in the home office and make learning easier.
1. Create a designated learning space where you feel comfortable.
Designate an area (it doesn't have to be a whole room) where you can work undisturbed and without distraction. It is important that you have enough space for your tools and documents. Take advantage of the home office and decorate your space, for example, with a picture or a lamp. A creative environment will help you to feel comfortable and relaxed while learning.
2. "Fine feathers make fine birds" - dress as usual.
This has an important psychological effect: your brain automatically switches to "working mode" and you get into your learning flow better. If you sit in front of your computer in your bathrobe, you take the risk of letting things slide. The best thing is to start your morning routine right after getting up, have a small breakfast and off you go!
3. Structure is everything: Fix a precise learning schedule and treat yourself with short breaks.
Where to start? Take advantage of the fact that you are at home. You decide at what pace you want to study and which milestones you want to achieve. It is important that you write them down so that you don't lose track of them. Tick off when you have completed something and also note down breaks, e.g. "10 minutes food blog time".
4. Keep a record of each learning goal to motivate yourself.
To stay focused on a specific goal, it is helpful to make daily notes on how much you have accomplished. This way, you can monitor how successful you are at learning in your home office. Be realistic about the priority of individual tasks and determine what needs to be done by the end of the day. This will help you to organise yourself better.
5. Avoid distractions due to family, TV and such.
Set clear boundaries and ask your family to respect your study space. Coordinate with them and arrange some time to talk or have lunch together. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing sight of your tasks and repeatedly have to re-familiarise yourself with your material.
6. Remember to intentionally disengage from time to time.
Gathering strength and taking longer breaks is important! Here, too, a clearly defined workspace is advantageous: during the break, you leave your learning space and can relax in another place, for instance in the kitchen, in the living room or on the balcony.
7. Chat and talk to fellow students regularly on the phone.
Thanks to the virtual campus, mobile phones, Facebook and other social networks, you will not be alone while studying. Important: Schedule times when and for how long you would like to talk to fellow students about a topic. Give each other tips and positive impulses to motivate each other while studying and being at home. And: Keep your channels open to spontaneously help others with questions or other issues. Teamwork rules!
8. Productive learning – find your study sound
Do you have the feeling that you are stuck? Maybe stimulating background sounds will help you, because there are good and bad sounds. While noise and diffuse sounds distract us, shallow rain or soft music with calm vibes can make us more productive. Try it out and find your tune, for instance, on the platform.
9. Never postpone again!
It is not easy to dedicate ourselves to big or difficult topics with the same motivation. Often we end up delaying these very topics. Here's a trick: give every task, no matter how difficult, at least ten minutes. If after that you feel you are not getting anywhere, you are free to stop. But usually, after ten minutes, you are already so well into it that you are already in the flow.
10. Change of perspective: use post-its for memorising
Not everything has to be digital. To memorise the material better, it makes sense to use classic tools. For example, write down technical words or formulas on colourful post-its and place them where you spend a lot of time, for instance, at the coffee machine. With the change of perspective, the learning material can be memorised more effectively and easily.
General information to prevent further spread:
Please adhere to the "sneezing and coughing etiquette". Here you can find more information on the topic of infection prevention.
Wash your hands regularly. How-to?
Please avoid shaking hands, hugging or similar activities to prevent chains of infection and to protect yourself from infection. Here you can find more information on the topic of prevention measures.
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