Trial month for your future career.
In our distance learning and myStudium programmes, you have the opportunity to complete a trial month free of charge after your enrolment. During this period, you can take advantage of all the services and offers that come with studying at IU. Our trial month helps you find out whether your degree programme and study format are right for you.
If you’re happy with our programme, you simply continue studying after your trial month. Your first month will then count as a regular study period and will be billed according to your time model. If you don’t want to continue your studies with us, you can simply cancel before the trial month ends. It will then be free of charge.
To check whether our programme is something for you, you can try it out free of charge for the first month. During this time, all IU offers and services will be available to you. If studying with us is not a good fit for you, you can cancel your enrolment at any time - at no additional cost.
So funktioniert der Probemonat:
Nach Deinem Vertragsstart kannst Du unser Fernstudium und myStudium einen Monat lang kostenlos und unverbindlich testen. In dieser Zeit stehen Dir alle Angebote und Services der IU zur Verfügung. Sollte das Studium bei uns doch nicht das Richtige für Dich sein, kannst Du innerhalb dieses Monats kostenfrei kündigen. Wenn Dir Dein Studium gefällt, studierst Du nach Ablauf der Testphase einfach weiter. In diesem Fall gilt Dein erster Monat als regulärer und kostenpflichtiger Studienzeitraum. Den ersten Monat buchen wir erst nach Ende der Testphase ab.
Your test account, with which you can log in at any time:
User: max.mustermann
Password: IUBH4test!
Anywhere. Any time. Only for you. Online campus on trial.
Are you wondering what 100% flexible actually means? How can you imagine studying at IU with online tools? We have the answers. Or rather, myCampus has them. With a free trial account, you can log in and take a look at everything at your leisure. Try out our online campus and see for yourself what we have to offer. Whether in the various sample courses of all subject areas or in the information portal, your thirst for knowledge will be quenched here.
If you have any further questions about IU’s trial month or would like to discuss something else, please contact our IU Student Advisory Service.
What you get for free
Information material
Information on study content & electives
Career prospects
Information on financing options
Your personal contact
Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.
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