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Application process My application. For my future.

Do you want to shape your future and your studies as flexibly as possible? Then take matters into your own hands and apply to IU International University of Applied Sciences. Without any deadline pressure, NC or annoying paperwork. Application? No problem for you! 

Apply successfully - to your desired degree programme.

Have you left school behind, successfully completed an apprenticeship or obtained your university entrance qualification through other educational channels? Excellent, then you already fulfil the most important admission requirement for your next career step. What else you need to successfully apply to IU depends entirely on the type of programme you want to study and on the respective Bachelor's or Master's degree programme. But don't worry, we'll make it as uncomplicated and convenient as possible for you. We promise! 

Apply online flexibly. Study flexibly.

Fixed enrolment dates, rigid semester structures and annoying paperwork - not with us: in order to make it as easy and convenient as possible for you to start your desired degree programme at IU, you can apply online at any time and without obligation.  

Click here for the online application

The most important questions about your online application

Have you decided to study at IU and don't want to leave anything to chance with your online application? Good decision! We have summarised the most important information for you so that you can keep an overview at all times despite the uncomplicated online application and so that no questions remain unanswered.  

Apply now!

Do you want to shape your future with us and a degree? Then apply online now for your dream degree programme!

Your checklist for your Bachelor's or Master's degree programme

We have put together a practical checklist so that you never lose track of what you need to know when applying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme. With this, nothing should go wrong, because you will find the most important admission requirements and official documents that you need for a successful application to IU.  

  • An official certified copy (or copies) of the higher education entrance qualification or the certificate of your first degree programme  

  • Employment references in the case of vocational qualification (university entrance qualification) 

  • A notification from your health insurance fund 

  • If applicable, a structured CV that includes details of your education, academic studies, and professional experience (depending on the university entrance qualification* provided and your desired options for the recognition of previous academic achievements)
    *CV not necessarily required for applicants with a high school diploma who have not started their studies in Germany.

  • Copy of your official photo ID

    Important: For data protection reasons, please blacken all information and the photograph, except your given name, surname, date of birth, expiry date, and nationality.

  • Exmatriculation certificate, if you are currently enrolled at another higher education institution 

  • For the dual studies programme, we only need your CV, application photo and your last school report. 

  • For some Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes, you have to fulfil special admission requirements: you can find these on the website of the respective IU programme.  


If you have any questions about the application process, you are welcome to contact our student advisory service at any time!

Further information on your desired IU study form

Are you not yet sure in which form you want to start your Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at IU? Depending on the form of study you have chosen, you should at least know the individual requirements you need to meet before you apply for your desired degree programme.  

IU Distance Learning

You can apply for your desired Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at any time, regardless of location. To be sure that the IU distance learning programme is exactly right for you, you can test our complete offer for one month.

More information about the application process can be found here:

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IU myStudium

You can apply for both German and English-language Bachelor's degree programmes. You can choose between the locations Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Bad Honnef or alternatively our virtual campus. Since you can start every quarter, you can register online at the start of each new quarter, i.e. 4 times a year, at any time and test our offer for 4 weeks without obligation.   

More information about the application can be found here:

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IU Dual Studies

First you fill out your online application, then we explain the most important topics about your dual studies programme to you via our application portal in an information session and look for a suitable practice partner together with you. We also offer you personal application training so that nothing stands in the way of you starting your IU studies. 

More information for your application can be found here:

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Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

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Apply now

Admission requirements

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Recognition of previous achievements


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IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“