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Bachelor dual Studies BWL - International Management

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Your dual study program BWL - International Management (B.A.)

Are you interested in BWL with an eye on the international stage? The BWL with the focus on International Management degree programme is the perfect foundation for a career in global companies. Immerse yourself in the world of international management and learn how to master complex economic challenges.

Depending on where you study, you will study in one of our two study models: dual study programme or dual myStudy programme.


Fact Check: Your dual study programme BWL - International Management

Study Model


  • Classes on campus (dual studies) or

  • Voluntary courses on campus or virtually via livestream (dual myStudium)

Practice: 20 hours/week with a practice partner of your choice


Your degree programme lasts 6-7 semesters and has 180 Credit Points, depending on the study model.


Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Köln, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mainz, Mannheim, München, Münster, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Rostock, Stuttgart, Ulm, Virtueller Campus, Würzburg

Depending on study model and study start


You can apply up to 1 month before the start of your studies.

Start date:

January 1 (Dual myStudium only)

April 1

July 1 (Dual myStudium only)

October 1


Degree: B.A.

In accrediation.

*Subject to state recognition of the degree programmes and approval of the Chemnitz branch by the Free State of Saxony. We expect the approvals from the ministries by the start of the programme at the latest. To date, all IU International University programmes have been successfully accredited and approved on time.

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Study Programs

Dual study programmes for the Bachelor BWL - International Management

You can complete your Bachelor's degree in BWL with the focus on International Management in one of our two study models, depending on the study location: The dual study programme or the dual myStudium. What doesn't change: You will spend 20 hours a week with a practice partner of your choice and gain important work experience. Find out more about the study models now!

Study Content

Contents of the dual study programme in BWL - International Management

On the BWL with the focus on International Management degree programme, you will be trained for international careers. You will immerse yourself in the world of global companies, research international markets, learn about intercultural management and understand global trade strategies. From the 5th or 6th semester, you will specialise further with in-depth modules. BWL - International Management prepares you to successfully manage global companies and competently master intercultural challenges.

You can find a detailed curriculum on the page of your chosen study model: BWL - International Management dual studies programme or BWL - International Management dual myStudium programme. A semester could look like this:

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Why you should study BWL - International Management dual

Theory & Practice

Study, work and leisure - with us you can combine everything thanks to regular alternation between theory and practice. You always apply what you have learnt directly in the practical phases - this makes it much quicker and easier for you to understand course content.

15.000 Praxispartner

Anders als viele andere Hochschulen bringen wir Studierende und Unternehmen aufeinander abgestimmt zusammen – und das mit Erfolg: 2 von 3 Studierenden werden nach dem Abschluss von ihrem Praxispartner übernommen.

Private studies for 0€

Does studying privately sound expensive? At IU you pay €0 for your Dual Studies - because your practice partner pays your tuition fees.

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What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options


Dual Studies BWL - International Management: Your career opportunities

The dual degree programme in BWL with the focus on International Management offers you a lot of perspectives: It prepares you for responsible positions in welfare organisations, social services, associations or non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

After graduation, for example, you will work as: 

International Brand Manager:in

As an International Brand Manager, you have two fundamental tasks: firstly, branding and secondly, brand communication. The basis for the organisation of all content is a brand and communication strategy, which is usually developed in close cooperation with the management. The instruments and channels for effective marketing deployment (marketing mix) are then defined. Only then can the actual advertising campaigns, often adapted to different target markets, be tackled. This requires a deep understanding of the product world, the target groups and the intercultural differences of target markets. The profession of International Brand Manager is an exciting job in the company's marketing department - at the interface with management, research and development, product management, sales, service and, last but not least, customers.

International Talent Manager

As an International Talent Manager, you will support the HR department in the search for and development of talent and managers within the company. You will plan and organise expat assignments and prepare trainees, employees and managers for foreign assignments and international projects. With a particular focus on intercultural skills, you will design training programmes, succession strategies and job rotation to help train international managers.

Management consultant:in

As a management consultant, you advise other companies. The subject matter of the consulting can be, for example, the general management of the company, internationalisation projects or dealing with a change process. Your basic consulting concept must be individually adapted to the expectations and tasks of your clients, without disregarding the goals of your employer - the consulting company.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“