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Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik": Pädagogin sitzt mit Kind am Tisch in einer Schule
Dual Studies
Titelbild ohne Hintergrund für Infoseite "duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik": Pädagogin sitzt mit Kind am Tisch

Bachelor Duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik*

*Translated: Childhood Education. Only available in German.

Support the positive development of children - through a dual study program in childhood education: With the dual study programme at IU.

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Not sure what you want to study? Get to know the IU, your campus and the dual study programme on 08 March.

Your dual study programme Kindheitspädagogik

Do you enjoy working with children and want to do something that improves your personal development? Then the dual degree programme in Childhood Pedagogy is the right choice for you. Among other things, you will study the relevant sciences of sociology, psychology, pedagogics, and childhood education issues. With your bachelor's degree, you will also receive the professional title of "State-recognised Childhood Educator", which is an essential prerequisite for employment at many institutions. For example, you are a sought-after expert in day-care centres, all-day schools and educational counselling.

Your study model: Dual study programme

You complete your degree programme with courses on campus. You will learn in small groups, can actively participate and ask questions. You will apply what you have learnt in projects and at work with your practice partner.

Do you still have questions?

Your benefits

Interlocking theory and practice

Thanks to regular alternation between theory and practice, you will always apply what you have learnt directly in the practical phases - making it much quicker and easier for you to understand the course content.

Teaching at the highest level

The IU is state-recognised and accredited. 2 out of 3 graduates are taken on by their practice partner directly after graduation.

No Numerus Clausus

What counts for us is the personal interview in which we find out your talents and strengths together.


Study Model and Duration

  • Theory: Classes on campus

  • Practice: 20 hours/week with a practice partner of your choice

Your degree programme takes 7 semesters and has 180 Credit Points.


Berlin, Braunschweig, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Köln, Leipzig, Mainz, Mannheim, Münster, Stuttgart, Ulm


You can apply up to 1 month before the start of your studies.

April 1
October 1


  • Führen und Leiten von sozialen Einrichtungen

  • Arbeit mit Familien

  • Bildungsarbeit mit Kindern


Degree: B.A.

State-recognised childhood educator System Accredited. IU is state-recognized and system-accredited by FIBAA. All degree programs are individually accredited and thus bear the seal of the Accreditation Council.

Start your studies at IU
Study Content

What awaits you in the dual study programme Kindheitspädagogik

How can parents be supported in developing their relationship and parenting skills? How do you promote early childhood education processes? With the dual degree programme in Childhood Pedagogy, we optimally prepare you for questions regarding the upbringing, education and care of children:

  • You will gain solid basic knowledge in the relevant part of sociology, social law, psychology and education.

  • You will deal with concrete questions in the field of childhood education.

  • You will acquire comprehensive competencies such as research methods.

  • You will develop pedagogical reflection and action skills, including supervision, peer consulting and coaching.

Exemplary curriculum: The order of the modules may vary depending on the start of the programme.

Deine Vertiefung - Dein Ding

Dein duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik bietet dir viele Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten: Bildungsarbeit mit Kindern, Arbeit mit Familien oder Führen und Leiten von sozialen Einrichtungen. Im 6. Semester wählst Du eine von drei Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten – und kannst Dich so noch gezielter auf Deinen Traumjob vorbereiten. 

  • Führen und Leiten von sozialen Einrichtungen

  • Arbeit mit Familien

  • Bildungsarbeit mit Kindern

IU Info Event

You have questions on Dual Studies? Get to know us!

What your Kindheitspädagogik programme offers you

As a specialist, you support children and parents and ensure that adolescents develop optimally. Here we will tell you what you will learn in the dual degree programme in Childhood Pedagogy:

  • You combine theory at IU with the practice phase in an educational institution.

  • You learn know-how in the areas of care, education, upbringing and methods.

  • You deal with topics such as relationship building, education, communication, interaction and cooperation.

  • With your degree, you can, for example, research the development of children, design concepts for the promotion of children or advise parents on educational issues.

  • You can also qualify for a management position in a daycare centre.


Dual study programme Kindheitspädagogik: Your career prospects

Childhood Paedagogy is a new, fast-growing field - the demand for academically trained childhood pedagogues is correspondingly high. Your areas of employment are diverse. For example, you are in demand as qualified personnel in daycare centres, crèches, all-day schools, and counselling facilities.
With your bachelor's degree and state recognition as a Childhood Educator, you will work, for example...

Klasse mit Erzieherin und Kindern

Some of our practice partners

PanasonicTelekomAWOCheck 24dpdMontel One
Full time
Duration 42 months
Your practice partner will cover your tuition fees. Depending on the company, you may even receive additional remuneration.


Additional Costs

Private, state-recognised University

Highest quality teaching

Personal support

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

  • Shortening your period of study: Skip individual modules or whole semesters!

  • Save on tuition fees: You’ll save €30 for every recognised ECTS point

Even before you apply for an online study programme, we’ll gladly check whether we can take your previous achievements into account: 100% online, no strings attached. Simply fill in our online recognition form.

Send an email to study@iu.org to find out which previous achievements you can get recognised. Make sure you send your application before the end of your 1-month trial. You can get your previous achievements recognised during your studies. However, we can no longer grant you a cost reduction after the end of the trial month.

Online Recognition
Admission Requirements

Admission requirements

We make it possible: At IU International University you can start your desired study programme - without NC, state-recognised, with or without a general A-level!

Start your studies at IU

Frequently asked questions about the bachelor Kindheitspädagogik

We have compiled the most important questions and answers for you here. If you still have questions, our student counselling office will be happy to help you. 

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“