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Dual Studies Wirtschaftsinformatik

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Not sure what you want to study? Get to know the IU, your campus and the dual study programme on 08 March.

Your dual study program Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.)

The Business Information Systems dual study programme is aimed at those who are wondering what requirements effective software must meet and how information technology can help to simplify and optimize processes. Through a unique combination of the fundamentals of business administration and IT, the Business Information Systems dual study program provides essential technical expertise to sustainably improve economic processes in companies. It prepares students to support and optimize management and customer-related processes on the IT side and offers an ideal platform for deepening specialist knowledge in both areas.

Depending on where you study, you will study in one of our two study models: dual study or dual myStudium.



Study Model


  • Classes on campus (dual studies) or

  • Voluntary courses on campus or virtually via livestream (dual myStudium)

Practice: 20 hours/week with a practice partner of your choice


Your degree programme lasts 6-7 semesters and has 180 Credit Points, depending on the study model.


Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Köln, Leipzig, Mainz, Mannheim, München, Münster, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, Virtueller Campus

Depending on study model and study start.


You can apply up to 1 month before the start of your studies.

Start date:

January 1 (Dual myStudium only)

April 1

July 1 (Dual myStudium only)

October 1


Your dual study programme offers you many prospects: Various specialisation options allow you to prepare even more specifically for your dream job.


Degree: B.Sc.

System Accredited. IU is state-recognized and system-accredited by FIBAA. All degree programs are individually accredited and thus bear the seal of the Accreditation Council.

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Study Programs

Dual study models for the Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik

You can complete your Bachelor's degree in Wirtschaftsinformatik in one of our two study models, depending on the study location: The dual study programme or the dual myStudium. What doesn't change: You will spend 20 hours a week with a practice partner of your choice and gain important work experience. Find out more about the study models now!

Study Content

Content of the dual study program Wirtschaftsinformatik

With a clear focus on optimization through modern, innovative and sustainable solutions, your dual degree in business informatics prepares you comprehensively for the challenges in the professional field. As part of the Business Information Systems dual study program, you will acquire the technical know-how to improve economic processes in companies in a targeted manner, immerse yourself in the world of modern information technologies that simplify decision-making processes and also gain essential insights into the latest developments, such as artificial intelligence.

You can find a detailed curriculum on the page of your desired study model Business Informatics Dual Studies or Business Informatics Dual myStudium. A semester could look like this:

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Why you should study Wirtschaftsinformatik dual study program

Theory & Practice

Study, work and leisure - with us you can combine everything thanks to regular alternation between theory and practice. You always apply what you have learnt directly in the practical phases - this makes it much quicker and easier for you to understand course content.

15.000 Praxispartner

Anders als viele andere Hochschulen bringen wir Studierende und Unternehmen aufeinander abgestimmt zusammen – und das mit Erfolg: 2 von 3 Studierenden werden nach dem Abschluss von ihrem Praxispartner übernommen.

Private studies for 0€

Does studying privately sound expensive? At IU you pay €0 for your Dual Studies - because your practice partner pays your tuition fees.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Team bei der Problemlösung vor Bildschirm


As a Software Developer, you will develop and implement software - from individual components to complete applications.
You will coordinate with users from different departments and program solutions tailored to their individual needs and requirements. In doing so, you always keep an eye on the economic framework conditions and ensure they are adhered to. To achieve the best results, you also carry out A/B tests.

Team beim Brainstorming


IT Project Managers not only act as an interface between developers and users, but they are also the first point of contact for IT projects in companies. This means that your tasks involve a great deal of responsibility: You will plan, organise and coordinate IT projects, such as the development of websites or apps, and will be in contact with all the specialists involved in the project. You keep an eye on your resources and decide on methods and tools, such as the correct programming language or the appropriate platform.

Männer schauen in Laptop


As an IT Consultant, you will advise companies on IT projects. For example, you support the implementation of a cloud infrastructure or introducing and maintaining IT systems.
You accompany the projects from planning to implementation. Your goal: to improve applications and processes and thus make IT-supported workflows more effective.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“