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Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau”: Lächelnde Frau mit Tablet im Büro
Bachelor's degree
Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau”: Lächelnde Frau mit Tablet im Büro
Two worlds. One programme.

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Maschinenbau* (B.Eng.)

*Translated: Business and Mechanical Engineering. Only available in German

Maximize your degree: With cutting-edge expertise from both business and technology, you qualify for exciting roles in forward-looking industries.

#Distance Learning

Language : German

Today for tomorrow: Study Business and Mechanical Engineering.

German mechanical engineering not only generates significant revenues and job opportunities but is also a key player in the export market. Beyond economic contributions, it stands at the forefront of addressing major future challenges and solutions in areas such as mobility, ecology, and the energy transition. Consequently, there remains a high demand for skilled professionals both domestically and internationally.

In the Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering with a focus on Mechanical Engineering at IU International University, you will primarily engage with the growing use of complex machines in manufacturing and explore the where and why behind this trend. This involves not only expanding your technical understanding but consciously deepening it at critical interfaces.

Do you want to know more?

In our free and non-binding information material you will find out everything about:

  • Content of your studies

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

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Your career opportunities: twice attractive.

Your technical and business-oriented thinking is in demand. With your Business Engineering Mechanical Engineering degree, you secure the best positions in the industry. For example, you may become: 

Process Manager

You take full responsibility for the introduction, maintenance, and further development of quality management systems, reporting to the upper management level. You work on ISO-certified energy management and environmental management systems, serving as the interface between various departments such as procurement, planning, development, and technology. You make suggestions for process optimization and incorporate the quality-relevant process accordingly in your concepts.


Choose how you want to study Business and Mechanical Engineering at IU

You can complete your Bachelor's in Business and Mechanical Engineering at IU by distance learning. Here you can find out how your studies at IU work and what your advantages are in the distance learning study model. 

Fernstudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin in der Bibliothek

Distance Learning

For maximum freedom - study 100% flexible

You study completely on your own terms. Get the perfect blend of innovative study tools, interactive study formats via video chat (live or on demand) and personal support.

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What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options


The most important questions about studying Business and Mechanical Engineering


Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  


Why you should study Business and Mechanical Engineering

Numerous reasons support the decision to pursue a degree in Business and Mechanical Engineering. With a qualification, you open up more possibilities for freedom and personal growth. Your professional prospects become more diverse with each additional qualification, and your chances of advancing to a higher position in many companies are simply better after completing your studies.

Every day you spend studying is an investment of time and resources in your personal development, skills, and abilities. Additionally, studying is enjoyable, especially at IU, where lifelong learning is 100% flexible.

Your IU studies in Business and Mechanical Engineering

Your Bachelor's program in Business and Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) primarily imparts scientific and technical, as well as economic and social science fundamentals. Methodological and application-oriented competencies will also be at the forefront. In courses categorized under STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and covering the basics of economics, law, and other social sciences, you prepare yourself for pioneering "Future Jobs."

Throughout, you will learn in a self-determined manner, utilizing innovative tools, the smart IU Learning App, and AI. Moreover, with your degree, you gain the opportunity to work successfully at the interface between technology (development, plant construction, or production) and (business) economics.

A look into the future: What you'll do after graduation

How does your Bachelor's program in Business and Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) differentiate itself from other related programs, and what career perspectives arise from it? Distinctive content arises from technical subjects like design, process, and procedural engineering, as well as economic topics offered in the field of Process Excellence.

Following your studies, you'll find diverse fields of work, particularly in dynamically evolving industries. You may work in production, for instance, as a Process Manager, Asset Manager, or in technical purchasing and technical sales.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“