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Titelbild für Startseite “duales Studium”: Lächelnde Studentin
Dual Studies

Dual Studies - Theory and Practice in One

You not only acquire fundamental know-how but also gain valuable professional experience: with the dual studies programme at IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU).

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Find a dual study program that suits you

Do you still need help finding your perfect degree program? We can help you!

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Study or vocational training? You can do both!
Illustration für Infoseite: "Bachelor": Mädchen mit Laptop und Büchern als Symbol für Theorie und Mädchen mit Aktentasche und Berügebäude als Symbol für Praxis

With the dual study program at IU, you will obtain a recognized university degree, gain professional experience and earn your own salary at the same time – the best conditions for starting your first professional career.

You combine academic theory with professional practice and become an all-round talent! The best thing about it: you study for €0, because your practice partner pays the tuition fees.

With our wide range of courses, you will find a dual study program that suits you and can get started at over 30 study locations throughout Germany or flexibly and online on the virtual campus.

Dual Studies at a glance

Interlocking theory and practice

You will apply your knowledge from the theoretical phases directly in your day-to-day work with your practice partner. You can complete the theoretical phases in two study models - either on campus or virtually via livestream:

  • Dual study program (compulsory courses)

  • Dual myStudium (voluntary courses)

High-quality teaching

Your degree is accredited and state-recognized. You will also benefit from a high level of teaching. This is also reflected in the rate of employment: 2 out of 3 graduates are taken on by their practice partner.

Study privately for €0

At IU you study for free - your practice partner pays the tuition fees in full.

Start without numerus clausus

We focus on your strengths and interests. That's why you can start your studies at IU without a numerus clausus and – depending on your professional experience – without a high school diploma.

Large network of practice partners

You apply independently to a company of your choice. Do you need support? We will help you find the right practice partner and have access to a network of over 15,000 practice partners – throughout Germany and in various sectors.

Personal atmosphere

With us, you learn in small groups - so you can interact more intensively with fellow students and teachers and make faster progress.

Find your dual study programme

You will find a dual study program that suits you and your goals in our wide range of courses! Great prospects await you: After your dual study program, you will have a state-recognized Bachelor's degree in your pocket and at least 3 years of professional experience on top.

Want to find out more about the dual degree program?

Then take a look at our free and non-binding study brochure – inside you'll find everything you need to know about the content of your desired degree program, career prospects, admission and application to IU.

Dual studies on campus or online

You can start at over 30 study locations or completely online. On the virtual campus, you are entirely independent of location and learn the theory from wherever you want! You complete your practical training at a company in the region of your choice.

Your practice partner for the dual study program

Illustration für Infoseite "duales Studium Vorteile": Praxispartner der IU

Study for free and gain work experience at the same time? It's possible! In the dual study program, a partner company pays your tuition fees. A win-win situation for both of you: while you study for €0, your practice partner trains you as a qualified specialist and thus gains young talent.

For the dual study program, you apply independently to a company of your choice. Do you need help with your search? We will help you find the right match - thanks to our extensive network of over 15,000 companies from many sectors.

Find a practice partner

Getting admission to the dual studies programme

Titelbild für Infoseiten "Duales Studium Zulassung": lachende Gruppe von Student:innen
  • Would you like to be admitted to the dual studies programme at IU? You must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Individual IU application interview with the Student Advisory Service office

  • High school diploma or university entrance qualification

  • Without high school diploma: State-certified technician or management expert, master craftsman's certificate or at least two years of vocational training followed by at least three years of full-time work experience.


In 5 steps to your Dual Studies programme

1. Apply online

  • Fill out our online application quickly and easily

  • Submit your application

  • Create password for IU application portal

  • Confirm e-mail address

IU Application Portal

2. go through application portal

  • Arrange an initial consultation with the student advisory

  • Complete your application

  • Have your CV generated automatically

IU Application Portal

3. Find your practice partner

  • Regular exchange with your personal study advisor

  • Find open positions at our practice partners in the IU application portal and register your interest

  • IU training to prepare for applications to companies

IU Application Portal

4. Sign contracts

  • We sign the contracts with your chosen company together

  • Your enrolment: We will take over as soon as all documents are available

5. Start your studies

  • The first step towards your career: Your future at IU International University (IU) starts now

  • Learn innovatively with the IU Learn app

  • Our study guides and lecturers will support you during your studies

Lerne uns kennen: vor Ort oder virtuell

Du willst mehr zum Dualen Studium, unseren Studiengängen oder Studienorten erfahren? Kein Problem! Unsere Veranstaltungen finden online und am Campus vor Ort statt und versorgen Dich mit allen wichtigen Informationen zum Dualen Studium.

Zu den Infoveranstaltungen

Get to know us: on campus or online

This is what our students say

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What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on practice partners

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

Frequently asked questions about dual studies

Here you will find the full FAQ on dual studies.

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleDie IU Internationale Hochschule ist systemakkreditiert vom deutschen AkkreditierungsratIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für Fernunterricht