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Deutschlandstipendium For outstandingly talented students

Are you particularly talented and already enrolled at IU? Then apply for a Deutschlandstipendium funded by the Federal Government and get a monthly promotion of 300€ per month.

What is the Deutschlandstipendium?

With the Deutschlandstipendium, the Federal Government supports particularly talented and high-achieving students.

The funding amounts to 300€ per month:

  • 150€ covered by the federal government.

  • 150€ provided by private sponsors - for example commercial organisations, foundations, associations or other private individuals.

What and who is funded?

All Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are eligible for funding.

The funding is independent of

  • the degree programme

  • the number of semesters

  • the study period model

  • the unit (FS, DS, MyStudium, MyStudies, etc.)

Students who are enrolled at IU or will be enrolled in the semester following the application are eligible for funding.

Students from other universities, supplementary courses or students who are currently taking an entrance examination at IU International University are not eligible for funding.

The following can apply

Interested persons

  • who will enroll at the IU in the semester following the application (deadline 1 April/1 October) and can provide evidence of outstanding performance.

Bachelor students at IU

  • who are in their first or second semester and can provide an outstanding average grade in their Abitur, Fachabitur or professional qualification.

  • - from the third semester onwards, who have achieved outstanding results during their studies.

Master's students at IU

  • who are in their first or second semester and can provide evidence of an outstanding average grade in their Bachelor's degree.

  • from the third semester onwards, who have achieved outstanding results during their studies.


Selection criteria*

*All information must be provided with appropriate evidence. Information without evidence cannot be considered.

**The average grade of 2.0 or better refers to the German grading system. A conversion to the German grading system is mandatory for an application. Please note that the conversion of grades is not carried out by the Deutschlandstipendium team.


The most important questions regarding the application

Any questions?

The Deutschlandstipendium team is available to answer your questions at the following e-mail address: deutschlandstipendium@iu.org

Data protection

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“