Edeltraut Schwartz, B.A. Business Administration
Edeltraut studied B.A. Business Administration with a special focus on Human Resources, Tourism, e-Commerce, HR Admin Programs & Operations.

"My broad-based business administration degree helped me think outside the box."
With a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, "Edel," as she is known among colleagues and friends, moved from the tourism industry to HR at Microsoft Germany.
Edeltraut on studying alongside job
The end of my vocational training as a travel management assistant was also a starting signal for me - because I quickly realised that I still wanted to study. So, while working at a DER travel agency, I completed my business administrator diploma and qualified for university studies.
Studying at IU International University was ideal for me because I really wanted to stay active in my career. The program at IU gave me the flexibility I needed for this. During my studies, this became even more important, as I was promoted to the office manager of my travel agency and had to accommodate a responsible job – often a six-day work week – plus my studies, partner, family and friends.
Proper motivation is already half the battle
In addition to my regular jogging routine, my own wanderlust was a great motivator during stressful phases. When I was planning my next vacation, I always had it in mind and said to myself: "Now you have to step on the gas pedal – the next vacation is coming up soon!
But I also owe my academic success to the network I created at IU. I was lucky enough to meet seven great fellow students soon after starting my studies. We motivated and supported each other – former "study colleagues" now have become really good friends today.
From the tourism industry to Microsoft
At the end of my studies in November 2017, I felt ready for a new challenge – and found it at MSC Cruises, where I worked as a Sales Manager looking after the company's sales partners in southwest Germany.
I came across my current position at Microsoft while visiting a career fair in 2018. I was immediately enthusiastic about the company and decided to apply. With success: after three selection rounds, I had the job.
My motto: Never stand still!
At Microsoft, I am now mainly responsible for the onboarding of new employees in Germany – which means I have the honour of inspiring the new "Microsofties" with our great corporate values and culture from the very first day.
Thanks to my business administration degree, I was able to switch successfully from the tourism industry to the HR sector: With the extensive theoretical knowledge that I have gained from my studies, I can easily tackle challenges in a wide variety of areas and think outside the box. This allows me to stay committed to my personal goal: to pass on my knowledge to others and never stand still.