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Titelbild für Infoseite "Alumni": kleine Gruppe von Alumni unterhält sich

Regional Chapters

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Bringing graduates and students together and promoting exchange within the alumni community of IU International University of Applied Sciences on a regional level - this is what our Regional Chapter Representatives are committed to in their city or region.

Are you interested in getting to know graduates in your city and networking with them? Perfect! Simply register on our Alumni Networking Platform IU Connect, join our Regional Alumni Chapter Groups and get to know our Regional Chapter Representatives directly.

Here you will find an overview of our current Regional Chapters with the respective Regional Chapter Representatives:


Andreas Fritz

Andreas Fritz

MBA, Head of Marketing V4Drive at VARTA AG

LinkedIn Profile


Alexander Wessels

Alexander Wessels

Diploma Hotel Management, Co-Founder & Executive Director at SABA Hospitality

LinkedIn Profile

Sven Regling

Sven Regling

B. A. International Management, Risk Coverage Officer (Governance and Operational Risk) at Allianz Asia Pacific

LinkedIn Profile


Miriam Straub

Miriam Straub

Diploma Hotel Management, People & Operations Manager at ecoLocked

LinkedIn Profile

Michael Jäger

Michael Jäger

Diploma Hotel Management, Founder & Managing Director at Cremanski & Company GmbH

LinkedIn Profile

Christoph Hahn

B. A. Human Resources Management, Entrepreneur in Residence at handly

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Nina Steinhauser

B. A. Tourismuswirtschaft, Franchise Sales Specialist bei Too Good To Go

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Meine Motivation


Masterstudent Joseph Inbaraj

Joseph Inbaraj

M. A. International Management, HR & Talent Acquisition Lead at BeamNG GmbH

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Nils Franz

Nils Franz

B. A. Business Administration Logistics and Industrial Management, Senior Consultant and Deputy Business Unit Manager Logistics at agiplan GmbH Germany

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Roman Pastoors

Roman Pastoors

B. A. Business Economics

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Tim Nöhring

Tim Nöhring

Business administration - tax consulting, Tax Specialist at ECOVIS Düsseldorf

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Jasmin Opare Dei

Jasmin Opare Dei

B. A. Marketing Management, Junior Project Manager University Administration & Study Experience

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Janet Blasius

Janet Blasius

Diploma Hotel Management, Director Talent Programs EMEA at Mariott International

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Lina Hottelmann

Lina Hottemann

International Hospitality Management, Revenue & Project Manager at i-Hotel Services

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Saad Ouf

Saad Ouf

MBA, Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young

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Felix Herb

Felix Herb

MBA, Business Consultant at BearingPoint

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Sebastian Steppacher

Sebastian Steppacher

M. A. Leadership & Management, Senior Director Division Energy Devices at KLS Martin Group

LinkedIn Profile


Amira Weinhold

M.Sc. student Wirtschaftspsychologie, Conversion Rate Optimization Manager at IU International University of Applied Sciences

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Amelie Schilling

B. A. Tourism Management, Multi Property Employer Branding & Talent Acquisition Specialist at Hamburg Marriott Hotel

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Aniruddha Bharadwaj

Aniruddha Bharadwaj

MBA, Manager Data Sciences and Production Systems at WINGX

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Till Hoddick

Till Hoddick

B. A. International Hospitality Management, Senior Consultant at TauRes Gesellschaft für Investmentberatung mbH

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Theresa Wolff

Theresa Grass

B. A. Hospitality Management, Key Account Manager at TrustYou

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Karolin Hädicke

Karolin Hädicke

B. A. Nursing Education, Nursing Educator at GRB Gemeinnütziges Rheinisches Bildungszentrum GmbH

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Oumayma Es-Saydy

Oumayma Es-Saydy

B. Sc. Business & IT, Co-Founder of Binatna

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Cecilia Valentini

Cecilia Valentini

MBA, Country Manager Italy at Flexperto GmbH

LinkedIn Profile

Stephanie Kindler

Michael Röhm

Bachelor of Laws, Business Lawyer at Generali

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Katharina Westermeier

B. A. Tourism Management, Analyst at acterience management partners GmbH & Co. KG

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Anastasiya Pivnyak

Anastasiya Pivnyak

B. A. International Management, Sustainable and Business Development trainee, M. S. Business Administration, Sustainable & Business Development Trainee at TotUP

LinkedIn Profile

Colin Samarasinha

Colin Samarasinha

Diploma in Hotel Management, Managing Director / General Manager at Millennium Hospitality International GmbH und Millennium Hospitality Solutions GmbH

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Hubertus Kempen

B. A. Hospitality Management, Manager Regional Accounts Switzerland at Steigenberger Hotels AG – H World International

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Manuel Jacoby

Manuel Jacoby

M. A. International Management, Associate & Digital Accelerator | Assurance Industrial Services at PWC Deutschland

LinkedIn Profile

South Africa

Mary Ann Varughese

Mary Ann Varughese

B. A. Tourism Management, Research Analyst at Amrop Woodburn Mann

LinkedIn Profile


Alexander Trinkler

Alexander Trinkler

B. A. Aviation Management, Visiting Consultant at DB Management Consulting

LinkedIn Profile

You would also like to become active as a Regional Chapter Representative and get involved in networking graduates in your region? Or do you live in a city or region that is not yet listed here and would like to start a new chapter there? Then simply send us an email to alumni@iu.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

Success Stories

Monika Suryavanshi

Dr. Monika Suryavanhshi

M. A. Health Care Management, Executive Assistant to Managing Board at Helios Health International

"The blend of applicability, quality and internationality at IU is just right"

To the success story

Marcel Adams

Marcel Adams

B. A. International Management, Team Lead Account Management at Global Savings Group

"Due to the close contacts of the IU (formerly IUBH) to the business world, it was possible to directly apply a lot of what was learned."

Studentin Edeltraud Schwartz

Edeltraut Schwartz

B. A. Business Administration, Partner Development Manager at Microsoft

"My broad-based business administration degree helped me think outside the box."

To the success story

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Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“