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Titelbild Infoseite "Infos für Abiturienten": Abiturientin sitz am Schreibtisch
Titelbild Infoseite "Infos für Abiturienten": Abiturientin sitz am Schreibtisch
High school graduates & IU International University of Applied Sciences

After your Abitur is before your career

Have you got your Abitur in the bag and now you have to decide what to do next? Unsure about what to study? Find your inspiration here and take the first step towards your future. 

Your studies, your career – you decide where you want to go

You have finished school and are still a bit unsure about your next steps? Would you like to decide for yourself where to go and feel that you have everything in your own hands on the way to your career? Then IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany's most renowned private university*, is the perfect place for you.  

(*among 18-24-year-olds, Source: Forsa, Sep 2023)

Lächelnde Abiturientin im Wald

Here, you will be able to start a new phase in your life after your Abitur, get to know your fellow students on campus, discuss online with lecturers in interactive courses or prepare for the next exam in joint study groups. Here, you will get the full study experience, but tailored exactly to you and your needs. Try it out! 

For all those who want to pursue their own educational path after graduating

Study the way you want to

Decide for yourself whether you want to study on campus or virtually and benefit from a structured curriculum and lecturers with practical experience.

No Numerus Clausus

What’s important for us is your motivation, not your grades. That’s why you can start your dream degree programme at IU without NC or entrance exams.

Quality at the highest level

IU is a state-recognised and accredited private university. This recognition confirms the high quality of the courses and the teaching.

Which study programme suits me best?

Do you still not know what you want to study or which degree programme would suit you and your interests best? No problem, you can easily find it out! Our Studyfinder will ask you a few questions and within a short time, it will tell you the ideal study programme for you. 

And which form of study is best for me?

The right form of study depends on what your individual everyday life looks like. If you want to get off to a flying start after graduating from high school and experience everyday life on campus but at the same time want to remain flexible, then myStudium is the right choice for you.  

Maybe you would also like to gain important practical experience in a company and follow a fixed course structure, in which case our dual study programme is ideal for you. It’s totally up to you! 

myStudium at a glance

  • Degrees: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

  • Study model: 2-3 days a week of classes during the day on site or worldwide at our virtual campus 

  • Starting dates: up to 4 times a year 

  • Duration: Bachelor full-time 36 months 

  • Study location: online & on-site 

Learn more

Dual Studies at a glance

  • Degrees: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) 

  • Study model: Regular alternation between classroom or virtual courses and practical phases in the company, fixed course structure  

  • Starting dates: up to 4 times a year 

  • Duration: 7 semesters 

  • Study location: online & on-site 

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Our distance learning programme at a glance

  • Degrees: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Ars (M.A.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Laws (LL.M), Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Master of Business Administration (MBA) 

  • Study model: 100% online study 

  • Starting dates: possible at any time 

  • Duration: Bachelor full-time 36 months, Bachelor part-time I 48 months, Bachelor part-time II 72 months, Master full-time 24 months, Master part-time I 36 months, Master part-time II 48 months 

  • Study location: 100% online 

Learn more

You can also choose a different study model. You can choose from a total of three different models at IU: distance learning, dual studies and myStudium. Distance learning can also be an option for you after obtaining your Abitur. 

Start ins Studium? Hier kommt Deine Checkliste!

Zulassungsvoraussetzungen checken, Online-Bewerbung abschließen, Studienfinanzierung klären - wir helfen Dir dabei, die ersten Schritte auf Deiner Studienreise zu gehen. Damit Du bei all dem den Überblick behältst und nichts vergisst, haben wir eine praktische Checkliste für Dich.  

Abiturientin informiert sich zum Thema Studium auf dem Tablet

Hake Deine To-Dos zum Studienstart ab!

Mit dem Start ins Studium kommt eine ganze Liste an To-dos auf Dich zu. Zuerst einmal entscheidest Du Dich natürlich für Deinen Traumstudiengang. Ist das erledigt, geht es erst richtig los: Hast Du Dir schon Gedanken um Stipendien, Lerngruppen oder Taktiken, um motiviert zu bleiben gemacht? Mit unserer Checkliste bewahrst Du einen kühlen Kopf. 

Checkliste herunterladen
Always by your side

If you still need some personal advice and support, simply contact the Student Advisory Service directly. You can ask any unanswered questions, receive advice on study programmes and forms of study, and discuss what’s next for you.  

Frequently Asked Questions

All important information at a glance




Your career opportunities after graduation

And after graduation? New professional fields and career opportunities await you! With a Bachelor's degree, you take the first step on your path to professional success!

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

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Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“