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Study from where you want

Is your dream degree programme too far away? Find out about your degree programme on the virtual campus now.

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Your benefits with myStudium

No Numerus Clausus

What counts for us is your motivation, not your grades. That's why you can start your dream degree programme at myStudium without any NC or entrance exam.

Study from anywhere

Complete your studies on the virtual campus flexibly from anywhere and deepen your knowledge in interactive online courses.

Quality at the highest level

We stand for top-level education across all countries - state-recognised, accredited & multi-award-winning.

Flexible exam dates

Do you need more preparation time? Then choose your own online exam date! You can also take your exams 24/7!

Start up to 4 times a year

In myStudium you can start in January, April, July and October, depending on your degree programme.

Test 4 weeks free of charge

You want to test us? Go ahead! For 4 weeks, completely free of charge and without any risk. If you cancel during this time, there are no charges for your first month.

What the Virtual Campus offers you

Start your dream degree programme from anywhere - even from Switzerland! This is possible on the virtual campus! You can also benefit from the following advantages:

  • We offer you 4 study starts per year - without NC

  • Follow lectures via livestream from anywhere

  • Take part in interactive seminars and take oral exams digitally

  • Exchange ideas with lecturers and other students via Microsoft Teams

  • Use your learning material online

You can also rely on our high-quality study programmes on the virtual campus.


In our free and non-binding information material you can find out everything about, among other things:

  • The content of your degree programme

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

Request info material now

Into myStudium even without a Maturity certificate

With a federally recognised Maturity certificate, you can start your Bachelor's degree programme at any time.

But you can also get started at the IU without a federal recognised Maturity certificate! To start your studies you need:

  • A specialised baccalaureate or non-federal baccalaureate in conjunction with a successfully completed year of study (in Switzerland) at a recognised university

  • At least two years of study-related apprenticeship training and at least 3 years of study-related work experience

Do you have a vocational baccalaureate? We will be happy to check your admission free of charge and without obligation.


Courses at the Virtuellen Campus

Request free study brochure

Thank you for deciding to find out all about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences. Request your study brochure here - free of charge and without obligation.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“