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Fernstudium MBA - Salesforce and Sales Management (MBA)

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Starte jetzt Dein Fernstudium MBA - Salesforce and Sales Management

Die Erwartungen der Kundschaft sind im digitalen Zeitalter so hoch wie nie zuvor. Gleichzeitig entscheidet die Kund:innenbindung über Erfolg und Niederlage zahlreicher Unternehmen. Gerade deshalb stehen Customer Relationship Manager:innen mit Salesforce Kenntnissen hoch im Kurs. Salesforce bietet eine cloudbasierte CRM-Plattform, die weltweit Mehrwerte für Unternehmen schafft und neue Möglichkeiten eröffnet. Laut der IDC Salesforce-Economy-Studie haben 88% der Fortune-100 Unternehmen mindestens eine Salesforce App installiert. In Deinem MBA-Fernstudium mit dem Schwerpunkt Salesforce and Sales Management lernst Du den fachlichen Umgang mit den Salesforce Apps und kannst, wenn Du möchtest, offizielle Salesforce-Zertifikate erwerben.


Your study programme summed up

Study programme & degree

MBA, 90 ECTS credits
Language: de, en
Full-time or part-time, 100% flexible

Application & starting date

Start from today, Online application, no application deadline

Study duration & extension

18, 24, 36 months, depending on model Extension possible free of charge


Study programme independent of time & place, no mandatory attendance, innovative study tools available on online-campus, AI study assistant Syntea, exams online or at nearest examination centre

Study fees

Starting at 408€/month, depending on model

Current discount campaign

Recognition & Approval

Study program is state-approved, accredited & internationally renowned, 90 ECTS - DE: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 153413c 90 ECTS - EN: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 153413c

Start today: Try us out for 1 month

Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.

Study Programs


Study Content

Deine Kursübersicht im Fernstudium MBA - Salesforce and Sales Management

Unser MBA mit der Vertiefung Salesforce and Sales Management vermittelt Dir praxisorientiert die betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundkenntnisse, die Du für Führungspositionen brauchst. In den ersten anderthalb Semestern beschäftigst Du Dich mit operativem und strategischem Management, Mitarbeitendenführung und Finanzwirtschaft. Danach hast Du die Möglichkeit, Dich im Bereich Salesforce Sales und Consulting zu spezialisieren. Anhand praktischer Projekte lernst Du in Deinem Schwerpunkt gleich, worauf es ankommt. 

Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

Start today: Try us out for 1 month

Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.

Study flexible

anytime and anywhere with 24/7 online exams, full- or part-time.

Learn innovatively

on your digital campus with your own AI study assistant and multimedia tools.


Benefit from an accredited degree with excellent career prospects.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options


Deine berufliche Zukunft mit dem MBA - Salesforce and Sales Management

Gerade fertig mit dem Studium und schon ein Profi in Salesforce? Das kommt bei vielen Unternehmen, die mit dem führenden CRM-System arbeiten richtig gut an. Deine Karriereperspektiven sind entsprechend umfangreich und lukrativ. Nach Deinem Abschluss arbeitest Du zum Beispiel als …

Sales Manager

In this position, you are significantly involved in the growth of your company. You prepare analyses and set ground-breaking sales targets in consultation with management. In addition, you define sensible standards, formulate guidelines and constantly develop the sales concept. You do all this with the help of Salesforce. The associated apps also make it easier for you to monitor your team's progress.

Business Developer

As a Business Developer, you use Salesforce for marketing opportunities and new sales markets. You write business plans and develop concrete business models. This also includes business analyses of potential customers and competitors in conjunction with Salesforce.

Global Consultant

As a Global Consultant with Salesforce experience, your tasks will include advising on Customer Relationship Management and Salesforce matters. You work with different departments to optimise processes and develop innovative solutions for the ever-increasing demands of our customers. In doing so, you bring your professional and technical Salesforce knowledge to lead companies to higher levels of performance.

Why IU is the best choice

Shape your studies your way

Plan your study routine however you like. You decide whether you prefer to study at night or during the day, at the library or in a cafe. You can even choose the start of your studies flexibly.

Easily organise your study routine

On your online campus, you're always up to speed. Here you organise your entire studies and find everything in one place – from digital scripts to an overview of your grades.

Deepen your knowledge individually

Deepen your knowledge interactively and suited to your learning style. With multimedia tools such as our AI study assistant, live sessions and learning sprints, you prepare better for your exams.

Take exams flexibly

Do you feel confident in the practice exam? Then sit your exam 24/7 online or at a location of your choice. In some courses, the final exam may be a workbook or portfolio.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“