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Junge stattliche Bart Mann gekleidet stilvolle lässige Kleidung, weißes T-Shirt, grüne Jacke, Bandana posiert im Freien. Lächelnde Hipster mit Dreadlocks Frisur, Nahaufnahme Porträt, Straße Foto, urbanen Stil
Master's degree
Junge stattliche Bart Mann gekleidet stilvolle lässige Kleidung, weißes T-Shirt, grüne Jacke, Bandana posiert im Freien. Lächelnde Hipster mit Dreadlocks Frisur, Nahaufnahme Porträt, Straße Foto, urbanen Stil
My career goal: social responsibility

Master Soziale Arbeit* (M.A.)

*Translated: Social Work. Only available in German

You really want to make a difference? Take on leadership in the social sector - with your social work degree. 

#Distance learning

Language : German

Your chance. Your future. Your Master's programme in Social Work.

You want to actively shape intercultural and social challenges? Then the master's programme in Social Work is your next step. As a future manager with special competencies in the field of social work, you are able to combine all aspects of Social Work with scientific-analytical methods and management qualifications. You may apply your specialist knowledge in hospitals, child and youth welfare institutions or in social services.

Do you want to know more?

In our free and non-binding information material you will find out everything about:

  • Content of your studies

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

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Your career opportunities. Future-oriented.

Your studies in Social Work are opening a whole new range of opportunities for you and your career. Be ready to make an impact and to work in an industry as diverse as your learned skills. 

Arbeiter in Produktion


As the head of a child and youth welfare facility, you are responsible for the management, coordination, and administration of the facility. You ensure that professional requirements and standards are correctly implemented and work closely with other responsible institutions, e.g. with the youth welfare office, schools, or guardians. You also support and supervise educational work, coordinate the range of services offered, and ensure constant further development through quality management. Personnel management and, at times, crisis management are also part of your job. 


Choose how you want to study Social Work at the IU

Flexible, versatile, practical: you can complete your Master's degree in Social Work 100% online as an IU distance learning programme and remain independent at all times. Early bird or night owl? No matter which learning type you are, your IU study programme is tailored to your individual needs. Thanks to the innovative learning app IU Learn and the online campus myCampus, you can study independently around the clock. In addition, you have a unique mix of digital tools, virtual live formats and an interactive online community at your disposal. So that you always stay on the move and can incorporate your Master's degree into your everyday life regardless of location. 

Fernstudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin in der Bibliothek

Distance Learning

For maximum freedom - study 100% flexible

You study completely on your own terms. Get the perfect blend of innovative study tools, interactive study formats via video chat (live or on demand) and personal support.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options


The most important questions about studying social work


Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  


Why you should study Social Work

With a Master's degree, you can not only expand, deepen and specialise your knowledge in a specific subject area. In the course of your IU studies, you will also be taught more in-depth content, methodologies and skills, which many employers regard as an additional professional qualification. In many professions, a Master's degree is a prerequisite for a career or an academic career. In addition to significantly more attractive career opportunities, possible experience abroad and valuable contacts in the business world, you can usually also expect a significantly better starting salary. This means that an internationally recognised Master's degree offers you a whole repertoire of advantages that you could be denied with a pure Bachelor's degree. 

Your IU studies in Social Work

The Master's programme in Social Work at the IU International University of Applied Sciences enables you to manage social projects with confidence and to actively participate in shaping them. With your Master's degree, you will also fulfil the requirements for a subsequent doctoral programme or postgraduate training as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist. You will learn not only how to better understand complex interrelationships and how to optimally control processes. Your knowledge in the fields of Social Work Research, Clinical Psychology or Social Pedagogy will also be further deepened. Depending on the chosen focus, you can also acquire further skills in the areas of Early Childhood Education and Upbringing, Clinical Social Work, Health Promotion, Social Space Orientation or Network Work. 

A look into the future: What you'll do after graduation

Reacting professionally to professional challenges and development tasks is just as much a part of your job in Social Work as Planning, Managing and Implementing social projects. With your Master's degree in Social Work, you will acquire the necessary qualifications to start a career in higher service or to pursue doctoral studies. Your career opportunities are also almost limitless due to social developments. Which is why you will later be responsible for the Management, Coordination and Administration of a Child and Youth welfare institution. Or as Head of Social Services you will manage, plan and develop innovative concepts for individual and group services in your institution. Alternatively, you can complete postgraduate training as a Child and Youth Psychotherapist (KJP) to later diagnose and treat mental disorders. 

Please note that upon completion of the master’s programme in Social Work, you will not be awarded the title of "Staatlich anerkannte:r Sozialpädagog:in" (licensed social education worker) in accordance with the Thuringian Social Professions Recognition Act (ThürSozAnerkG). If you wish to be awarded state recognition as a social worker or social education worker, you must complete the bachelor’s programme in Social Work as well as an internship for recognition. You can find out more about state recognition here.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“