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Semester abroad

Whether it's a semester abroad or an internship in another country, here we would like to present you with different ways to turn your wishes into reality.

Your time abroad with myStudium

Do you want to escape the daily hustle and bustle of studying in Germany, discover new cultures, learn a language or pursue an international career? No matter what your individual motives are for spending time abroad, myStudium at IU International University of Applied Sciences offers you a wide range of opportunities to gain international experience during your studies.

Reasons to gain international experience

Better Job Prospects

Almost three-quarters of European employers prefer candidates with international experience.

International Career

Graduates who have spent time overseas are more likely to work for international companies and earn higher salaries.

Intercultural competences

International experience is often associated with in-demand social skills such as tolerance, flexibility and self-confidence.

Your opportunities

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Semester abroad

Study from abroad via our online learning platform and the virtual campus or transfer to a foreign university for a semester and make international contacts and friends.

Duales Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik

Internship abroad

Gain international experience and work experience at the same time during an internship abroad and take the first step towards an international career.

Semester abroad

The myStudium programme offers you various possibilities to study abroad for a semester. You can individually decide how you would like to organise your studies abroad. To help you decide which model is most suitable for you before you start your studies, we have summarised below all the advantages of the different options for you.

Your options in brief

Partner university

  • Study one semester at one of our partner universities worldwide. 

  • Benefit from a dedicated contact person in Germany who will support you through the whole process.

to partner universities
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  • Study for a semester at a foreign university of your choice.

  • Pause your studies and take a semester off to avoid paying double tuition fees.

  • Have your academic achievements recognised after your university stay abroad.

Virtual Campus

  • Possibility to switch every quarter

  • Live in a country of your choice and learn online with our virtual campus.

  • No extended duration of studies thanks to the possibility to continue studying in the regular study model.

  • No additional costs and the possibility of working part-time alongside your studies abroad.


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Internship abroad

In addition to a semester abroad, you also have the opportunity to gain international experience through an internship. In addition to improving your language skills and intercultural competencies, a clear advantage of an internship abroad is the possibility to get your very first international professional experience which will look great on your curriculum vitae!

You can complete an internship in a country of your choice and for any desired period. Some internships start with a duration of two weeks, while others last several months. So you have the possibility to complete an internship during your lecture-free time and thus stay in the regular study schedule, or to apply for a semester off and take leave for several months.

You can find more detailed information about where to find suitable internship positions and what things to consider on various online portals. Additionally, there are also agencies that can help you find a suitable internship position and guide you during your internship.

Do you have open questions?

Our free student counselling service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.


You'll find all of the important information about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences in your personal brochure.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“