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Projektteam im Seminarraum
Projektteam im Seminarraum

The departments

Subject affiliation and collegial network

By decision of the rectorate, the university forms departments which are headed by a head of department. All professors and academic staff who are relevant to the subject belong to the departments. A professor is elected by all members of the respective department every two years to head the department. The departments give the professors of the IU International University of Applied Science a professional home and promote the internal exchange of teaching and research.

The departments

Currently there are the following nine departments and one special department:

The department heads

The heads of department represent the department and are significantly involved in programme development and appointments. Together with the pro-rector for research and transfer, they coordinate the research activities in the department. The conference of the department heads reports once a year to the Senate on the development of their departments with regard to the current status of research and appointments.

The heads of department meet at least twice a year. This meetings are chaired by the Rector. The conference of the department heads makes recommendations to the Rectorate regarding subject matters and research. 

Prof. Manuela Rohde-Grimm

Head of Department Design, Architecture & Construction

Professorship for Media Design

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Prof. Dr. Brit Schneider

Prof. Dr. Brit Schneider

Head of Department Health

Professorship for Nursing Management

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Prof. Dr. Moustafa Nawito

Head of Department IT & Technology

Professorship of Electrical Engineering

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Prof. Dr. Maja Störmer

Head of Department Human Resources

Professorship for Human Resources Development

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Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann

Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann

Head of Department Hospitality, Tourism & Event

Professorship for Tourism Economics

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Prof. Lars-Peter Linke

Head of Department Marketing & Communication

Professorship for Communication & PR

Prof. Dr. Esin Bozyazi

Prof. Dr. Esin Bozyazi

Head of Department Management

Professorship for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

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Prof. Dr. Stephan de la Rosa

Prof. Dr. Stephan de la Rosa

Head of Department Social Sciences

Professorship for Business Psychology

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Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jäger

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jäger

Head of Department Economics

Professorship for General Business Administration

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The professors and lecturers

The quality of both academic education and research depends to a large extent on our professors and lecturers. We therefore place the highest demands on them. These standards are based on their academic reputation and outstanding subject-specific knowledge as well as on their sound practical experience and international orientation. Here you can find out who holds which professorship and is assigned to which subject area, which research interests your teachers are dedicated to or who is responsible for university development.  

Overview of all professors and lecturers working at the IU.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“