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Studierende vor Hochschul-Eingang
Studierende vor Hochschul-Eingang

Research structure

The research structure of the IU International University of Applied Sciences is based on three parallel pillars: IU Inbucator, IU Research Center and IU Research Institute. Each of these three pillars has individual characteristics and objectives. The IU Incubator is a one to two year start-up funding for the further development and maturation of research ideas or for a larger proposal submission. 

In contrast, IU Research Centres focus on an existing research focus and usually require an existing externally funded project. The target group is groups of researchers who are working together on a specific thematic focus of one or related disciplines and who would like to position themselves with a topic in the scientific community but also vis-à-vis experts in the field. 

IU Research Institutes are distinguished from Research Centres by their focus on a broader interdisciplinary topic with societal relevance, in which collaboration takes place across disciplines.

Zwei Frauen besprechen Ideen am Whitboard

IU Research Incubator

A place to incubate ideas

The Research Incubators (formerly the IU International University of Applied Sciences Research Groups) are one pillar of the IU research infrastructure. These institutionalised kick-off funds are aimed at researchers who want to develop and deepen a research idea and need time and resources to do so in order to advance major publications, product developments or third-party funding proposals. They are announced every six months (31 March and 30 September of a year) and their duration is one to two years, depending on the application. Funding includes a SWS reduction of between two and four and 8000€ for student assistants, travel expenses and/or other purchases. Part of the external communication for this pillar is a separate website, as well as the opportunity to present one's project to colleagues as part of the internal What's Up Research event series.  

Internal networking between the current incubators is ensured by an annual research day. The participating professors can exchange information and talk about the status of their projects. 

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Mitarbeiter hält Videokonferenz mit Kollegen

IU Research Center

Focused research on a priority topic

Another pillar of the research structure is the IU International University of Applied Sciences Research Center. The target groups of this funding instrument are groups of researchers who are working together on a specific thematic focus of one or related disciplines and who would like to position themselves with a topic in the scientific community and also given above subject experts. The funding period is usually three years, with the possibility of applying for an extension. Applications for recognition as an IU International University of Applied Sciences Research Centre can be submitted at any time. 

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Frau stelle Ideen am Whiteboard vor

IU Research Institute

Devoted specialized long-term research

Another pillar of IU research funding is the IU Research Institute. This funding instrument aims to support established research groups at the IU that conduct joint interdisciplinary research on a broad topic field and have already been able to make a name for themselves in this field in the scientific community through publications, conference contributions and research projects. The funding period is usually three years, with the possibility of applying for an extension. Applications for recognition as an IU Research Institute can be submitted at any time.  

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“