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ChatGPT & Co and the working world

Everything is different with AI bots? The impact of artificial intelligence on work and companies

Artificial intelligence and AI bots like ChatGPT are changing our working world. Hardly any expert doubts this - and the IU study "ChatGPT and the like in a professional context." shows: 16.2% of workers in Germany already perceive a significant impact of AI technologies, including ChatGPT, in their current roles. Astonishingly, this figure is expected to rise to a staggering 40.5% within the next five years.

Almost half of the respondents (45.1%) also say that the invention of ChatGPT is the most profound change since the invention of the internet.

But what do ChatGPT and Co mean for everyone's professional future? 19.5% of workers in Germany see AI technologies as a threat to their jobs. You can find all the details in the IU study on ChatGPT and Co.

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AI bots on the job: the facts

45.1 %
of respondents say: "The invention of ChatGPT is the most profound change since the invention of the internet."
45.1 %
think that the invention of AI technologies like ChatGPT will change our working world even faster than the internet.
34.3 %
of respondents find AI technologies like ChatGPT useful to very useful for the job.

AI like ChatGPT changes our working world - and our lives

"I use AI such as ChatGPT every day and have already experienced a significant increase in productivity. However, these programs are currently only at the beginning of their evolutionary journey and will rapidly develop. I see enormous potential for transformative changes to our lives and the way we work. Training is the key to unleashing this revolution. I recommend that every individual and every company get to grips with AI now.”

Dr Thomas Fink
Head of IU Akademie

With benefits and side effects: What employees say about ChatGPT and Co.

Around a third of workers in Germany find AI technologies like ChatGPT useful. But does the use of AI bots have to be learned first? And who exactly fears their job being taken over by AI?

Routine tasks: "ChatGPT, please take over."

35.4% of workers in Germany believe that AI technologies such as ChatGPT can make their everyday work easier in the future by taking over routine tasks. As far as the core competencies and skills of the workers are concerned, 33.4% assume that AI bots could provide support.

*Answers to the question: "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?"

Source: IU study "ChatGPT and the like in a professional context."

Companies need to offer AI training

Only 6.1% of companies use AI technologies such as ChatGPT, according to the IU study, while another 12.4% plan to use them. The use of AI bots requires further education in the form of training, according to the respondents: 61.4% believe that special training is needed to be able to use AI bots such as ChatGPT in a meaningful way.

*Answers to the question: "Do you believe that special training is needed to make proper use of ChatGPT?"

Source: IU study "ChatGPT and the like in a professional context."

Job in danger? Gen Z in particular is worried

Almost one fifth of workers in Germany believe that AI technologies such as ChatGPT will endanger their jobs in the future. Interestingly, younger workers estimate the risk to be higher than older workers. You can find the analysis by generation in the PDF of the IU study.

*Answers to the question: "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?"

Source: IU study "ChatGPT and the like in a professional context."

Effects of ChatGPT and Co mainly affect the younger ones

"Artificial intelligence can be used to automate certain tasks and complete them more efficiently, leading to changes in the way we work. (...) This will make certain jobs obsolete and create new business areas. Therefore, it is only understandable that many people are worried about their professional future. This is even more the case for younger people, because they will be the most affected by the impact of AI. (...)”

Dr Markus Schmitz
CIO of the Federal Employment Agency

The whole study on ChatGPT and the like in a professional context

What impact will AI technologies like ChatGPT have on our working world? All the facts and expert comments are in the IU study.

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