The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace: what the skilled workers of tomorrow say
How important is diversity and inclusion to trainees and students at their future employers? The IU study "Diversity and inclusion. Essential or optional?" answers this question with a clear result: 75.1 percent of tomorrow's skilled workers expect companies to take measures on diversity and inclusion in the workplace. For those surveyed, equal opportunities in terms of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, origin, ideology and/or disability are the most important motivators in the workplace. And therefore a decisive factor in the choice of employer.
"If more than 75 % of potential candidates find the commitment to diversity and inclusion important, this sends a clear signal to employers: do good things and talk about it whenever and wherever you can – but only as long as it is authentic" concludes IU expert Prof. Dr Sonja Würtemberger. According to the IU study, the majority of potential employees find out about potential employers on online job portals and company websites. Companies can therefore use these channels in particular to communicate about diversity and inclusion.
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Diversity and inclusion: definition und facts
means diversity and refers to the differences between people, such as origin, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or abilities.
is a human right. It refers to the right to equal rights and participation in society - regardless of individual characteristics or backgrounds (see Basic Law Article 3, Paragraphs 1 to 3).
of the trainees and students surveyed expect their future employers to take measures on diversity and inclusion.
89.0 %
find that supervisors should be a role model when it comes to diversity and inclusion.
is one of the most important aspects when deciding on an employer.

Diversity and inclusion? A competitive advantage for companies
„Trainees and students have a clear message for their future employers: Companies that not only communicate diversity and inclusion, but also put them into practice, are more attractive. This is a key factor, especially when it comes to competing for the skilled workers of tomorrow.“
Prof. Dr Katharina-Maria Rehfeld
Professor of Human Resources at IU International University of Applied Sciences
The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Measures, diversity guidelines, index for inclusion, benefits, examples: There is a lot that companies and managers can do and communicate when it comes to diversity and inclusion. What is particularly important to the specialists of tomorrow - and what do they perceive in the external image of companies?

Diversity and inclusion measures in the company are important to many
For 51.2 percent of the trainees and students surveyed, it is rather important that the company they will be working for takes measures on diversity and inclusion. For a further 23.9 percent, this is even very important.
*Answers to the question: "How important is it to you that your future employer takes measures to promote diversity and inclusion?"
Source: IU study "Diversity and inclusion: essential or optional?"

Equal opportunities are a job motivator
The decisive aspects when choosing an employer are clustered in the IU study according to Herzberg's two-factor model**: hygiene factors (= avoid dissatisfaction) and motivators (= increase satisfaction). The motivators most frequently cited by respondents were equal opportunities, work-life balance, acceptance of diversity and the meaningfulness of work.
*Excerpts from the answers to the question: "Which of the following aspects are important to you when choosing your future employer? Please select the three most important aspects for you." (Proportion of how often aspect is represented in top 3).
**Source: Herzberg, F. I., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. (1959). The motivation to work (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley.
Source: IU study "Diversity and inclusion: essential or optional?"

Diversity and inclusion in corporate communications
75.1 percent of future skilled workers consider diversity and inclusion measures to be important, but only 24.7 percent find information on this on the websites or in the job advertisements of the companies they are interested in. 44.3 percent find content at least sometimes or rarely.
*Answers to the question: "Have you ever seen employers provide information on diversity and inclusion in their job adverts or on their company websites?"
Source: IU study "Diversity and inclusion: essential or optional?"

From role model to further training: expectations of superiors
Trainees and students expect their future supervisors in particular to be exemplary when it comes to diversity and inclusion - and to regularly take part in training courses to deepen their understanding and skills.
*Excerpts from the answers to the question: "To what extent are the following aspects important to you?" (Only answers "Very important" and "Rather important" on a scale of 4).
Source: IU study "Diversity and inclusion: essential or optional?"
What our experts say

Prof. Dr Sonja Würtemberger
Professor of Human Resource Management at IU International University of Applied Sciences
„Inclusion is the responsibility of everyone in the company – not just of a single person or a diversity management department. However, many people do not realise what is being done behind the scenes by these departments to create processes that enable equal opportunities and promotion prospects for all.“

Prof. Dr Katharina-Maria Rehfeld
Professor of Human Resources at IU International University of Applied Sciences
„Employees expect teamwork, fairness, friendliness and social responsibility from employers – these are essential characteristics of an inclusive corporate culture. Diversity and inclusion are not a goal, but rather a decisive factor in creating this kind of culture.“

IU study on diversity und inclusion
Living diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a factor in the decision for or against a job. Find out more in the IU study.
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