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Drittmittelprojekt Greenering

Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes

(CA18224) – GREENERING - Workgroup 1: Opportunities for Implementation of Green Process at Industrial Scale


Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes (CA18224) – GREENERING, is project (Action) funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

The objective of GREENERING COST action is to promote and boost the industrial application of green chemistry and sustainable technologies, developing the tools for the scale-up and implementation of emerging processes into industry.

This can only be successfully achieved through the connection of working groups in emergent areas such as:

  • 01 Best use of raw materials

  • 02 Use of clean solvents

  • 03 Efficient use of energy

  • 04 Production of minimal amount of waste

The development of novel processes and high added value products from the integration of highly innovative technologies has been pursued and it is the objective of different programs and projects. Within these settings, GREENERING arises to provide tools and knowledge to the participants enabling them to be highly competitive in new breakthrough developments.

To achieve this, the GREENERING brought together experts from academia, industry and technology transfer institutions with the aim to:

  • create a network with common interests;

  • create working groups to influence decision makers and stakeholders in adopting sustainable processes;

  • create competitive consortiums able to apply to Horizon 2020 competitive calls and

  • increase the entrepreneurial mind-set of researchers and particularly young students who with their youth and wilful energy will be able to transpose technology into products.

Additionally GREENERING will aim to provide long-term collaborations between academic institutions and companies which will ultimately result in the implementation of green processes at industrial scale and transfer of specialized technology into the market, being fully aligned with Europe’s interest in creating highly competitive sustainable companies.


Work Group 1: Opportunities for Implementation of Green Process at Industrial Scale

The GREENERING WG1 will be focused on assessing opportunities for the improvement of industrial processes through the implementation of more efficient and sustainable processes and determine the causes of failure of implementation of greener processes from the industrial point of view in order to achieve a significant impact at level of industrial stakeholders and to build a living network for the exchange of knowledge and expertise from university to industry.

Zur Projektseite
Dauer des Projekts

2019 bis 2023

Weitere Informationen

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IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte Hochschule
IU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiert
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