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Dual studies

Cost for your dual degree programme

“Private education” sounds expensive? Not with us! Because your practice partner will cover the tuition fees.

secure your study place

Study for €0 at a private University of Applied Sciences

Your practice partner covers the tuition fees

You will benefit from many cost-free benefits during your studies


All kinds of advantages – Zero cost

Studying a dual degree programme at IU means receiving top mentoring and enjoying many benefits. Best of all, you don't have to pay anything extra – your practice partner will cover your tuition fees.

Depending on the company, you may even receive additional remuneration. You also have the option of applying for BAföG.

  • Highest quality: Study at a state-recognised University of Applied Sciences.

  • No NC: Find out your strengths and talents with your study counsellor.

  • All over Germany: Study at one of our 35 locations or via the virtual campus regardless of location.

  • Practical experience: Gain 3.5 years of professional experience during your studies.

  • Joint search for practice partners: We will help you find a suitable company.

  • Personal support: Get valuable tips from lecturers and study counsellors.


Profit from further benefits


Expand your know-how with LinkedIn Learning

As a student of the dual degree programme at IU, you have unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning – with over 15,000 courses and video tutorials on a wide range of topics. You can access the tool directly on myCampus under the DS Info Course.

Online Weiterbildung

Complete two free online training courses

Acquire additional know-how – with free further training courses in IU distance learning programme. You can choose from Marketing & Sales, Business Administration, IT & Technology, Tourism & Gastronomy, Human Resources and Health & Social Services.

entspanntes Homeoffice

Use your free Office package for your studies

Log in with your IU email address and use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Microsoft Teams. As a student of the dual degree programme at IU, you are eligible for the free MS Office 365 Education.

Statistiken auswerten

Find current facts and insights with Statista

During your dual degree programme, you can access the Statista Premium Account via Care through the Library and Information Service. You can download all available data and use it as PNG, PowerPoint or Excel files.

It pays to recruit friends!

You would like to share your enthusiasm for dual studies? Or do you have friends who would like to start studying? Then recommend us to others! Your commitment pays off: For every person who starts a study program with us based on your recommendation, we will give you 200€!

Secure your study place

We are pleased that you are interested in our dual study programme.

Start your career at IU in just a few steps!

Overview of cost for you and your practice partner

Would you like to know what cost your practice partner will cover for you? Here you can download an overview of the tuition fees.

Cover all cost – with the proper financing

Whether rent, food or hobbies: There are various financing options to ensure that all cost related to your dual degree programme are covered.

Some of our practice partners

PanasonicTelekomAWOCheck 24dpdMontel One
Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on practice partners

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“