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Quite exciting: Your everyday life as a student

Find out everything you need to know about your everyday life during your myStudium!

Tips and benefits with your myStudium

Do you want to know what your everyday life at university might be like? Here you will find tips on topics such as financing, finding accommodation and support during your studies. We'll also show you the benefits from which you can profit as a student!

Organise your time by yourself

In myStudium, you have courses on 2-3 days per week - either on campus or at the virtual campus. The other days are at your free disposal! So you can decide for yourself when you would like to learn, when to pursue a part-time job and when to take a break. Would you like to get a detailed picture of your daily study routine? Here you can find a sample timetable for myStudium.

Download Timetable (German)

Our learn-AI Syntea

Syntea will help you get through your studies even faster and more successful. You receive answers to your questions about the script, which are verified by our lecturers. Deepen your knowledge in a targeted way and learn demonstrably more efficiently!

More on Syntea

We provide you with personal advice

Before you start your studies, our Student Advisory Service office will support you with your concerns. During your daily student life in myStudium, your Study Guides will help you and the Study Coaches will support you in topics like time management, studying strategies and motivation. Before you graduate, the Career Coaches of IU Career Office will answer your questions on topics such as applications, careers and start of professional life. 

To Study-Support

Your benefits

You benefit from many advantages during your studies: For example, you can try out a Spotify subscription and Amazon Prime for free and then only pay half price. You can improve your skills thanks to free access to LinkedIn Learning with over 5000 exciting courses, and you can also use our LIS Online Library or free access to programmes such as Statista, Microsoft 365 or Adobe Cloud for your projects.

Discover more benefits

How to secure your place at university

Part-time job, accommodation, financing: Our tips

Moving out of home for the first time, financing your first big project, your first part-time job: these exciting stages are part of your studies. We give you useful advice on how to look for a flat or a job, or how to reduce your study costs.

Wie finde ich eine Wohnung?

How do I find a flat?

Whether it's a shared flat, a hall of residence or a room for subletting: You have many options. The best time to start looking is 2-3 months before the end of the current semester when many graduates leave the city.
Our tips:

  • Mobilise your friends and family

  • Post a notice at the university

  • Start an appeal on social networks

  • Post an ad in a local newspaper

WIe finde ich einen Job?

How do I find a job?

You can earn money and gain valuable work experience while studying with a part-time job. With a 520€ mini-job or a student job, you will have enough time for your studies. For working student jobs, you might even be hired after your graduation. You can find offers on social media, in newspaper ads or on job portals such as studentenjob.de.

Wie finanziere ich mein Studium?

How do I finance my studies?

Do you need additional financial support? You can apply for a scholarship or BAföG. You only need to pay back half of this state funding after finishing your studies. Please note that your BAföG entitlement is no longer applicable if you earn more than €450 per month.

Looking for more tips on how to reduce your tuition costs? You can find them on our page dedicated to tuition and financing your studies.

Answers to your questions

Your everyday student life on our campus

As unique as each IU campus is, they all have one thing in common: they offer you optimal opportunities to study, exchange ideas with others and relax. Our modern facilities give you plenty of opportunities to eat, study in peace and take breaks. Also you can look forward to the following advantages on campus:

  • You study in small groups and can better participate in the learning process

  • You can study in a relaxed atmosphere in our Learning Areas

  • You benefit from our innovative infrastructure and central location

  • You have the opportunity to spend time with your fellow students

Sounds exciting? Then apply!

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You'll find all of the important information about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences in your personal brochure.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“